Frequently Asked Questions.
Here are some common questions about WebPathLab
Can WebPathLab interface with other systems?
Yes. We can interface with any HL7 capable system whether it is a hospital based Electronic Medical Records (EMR) system, an independent practice system, or even another pathology laboratory such as a reference lab. We also interface with Molecular testing equipment using either an HL7 interface or an ASTM interface.
Can I upload the data from my current Laboratory Information System including the PDF reports?
Yes. If you provide us with basic patient information, date of service, referring clinician and accession number of the PDF report, we can not only uploaded all the data, but make it available for matching with new cases for the same patient so the pathologist has access to the complete PDF report as generated by the old legacy system.
How often do you have updates and how much do they cost?
We are constantly updating our solution and all our updates are free of charge. We believe that our customers should not have to worry about their system being up-to-date.
If I have a problem with the system, do you have to send someone to our location?
WebPathLab is web-based so we can access the solution immediately after your call to address emergency issues. No need to wait for some one to travel to your lab. If your need is not an emergency would generally take at most 24 hours before we respond to your request.
Can I actually demo the app myself?
Yes. We will be happy to give you an online demo after which you will have access to the same demo site so you can “TEST DRIVE” our solution at your convenience without our interference. We only ask that if you have a question or find that the solution does not do what you want, that you contact us. The demo site is a generic application and we configure each installation to the customer’s business rules. We also do custom development.
How much do I have to pay to get started?
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